Bring The Soul: Docu Series Ep. 6

Episode 6: Energy

'BTS Is Like An Oasis In The Desert'


Shufei Chen

The last episode of the docu-series left a bittersweet feeling, but the end did not go out without a bang as the episode titled 'Energy' gave us nothing but energy!

The final episode, focusing on the last leg of the European tour in Berlin and Paris, showcased what I think would be the deepest most honest moments that we could have seen this entire series; though that is totally dependent on your own feelings and emotions.

Starting off the episode, we saw Jungkook out and about in the city of Berlin in a restaurant/bar/pub with members of staff reflecting, both during and after the drinks about himself and his experiences of tour. We also followed Jin on a zoo trip and Hoseok out on the streets sightseeing. But throughout their own journeys and in their free time, no matter what they are doing, the ultimate goal is that by doing what they love they find their energy. The energy to tour, to perform, to sing, to rap, to dance. Through doing what they enjoy, they feel rested and become ready to give it their all.

But the thing is, the energy that they have doesn’t just come from what they do in their free time. The energy comes from many sources. One main source is each other. The moments and memories they share, the journey they’ve shared and are currently still sharing, the bond they have. Being around each other, seeing each other, working with each other, that is what gives them the most energy. The energy of seven different people combined at their happiest moments; it’s the most powerful type of energy. 
Through it all however, it’s the fans, us, ARMY, who get them through it all. It’s us who makes them want to do what they do and enjoy what they love. It’s the energy of both BTS and ARMY combined that makes everything that much more enjoyable and happier. The idea of having each other through the good times and bad helps us all grow. 
The message? Find energy not only within yourself but in those that you love and trust; in the things that you love to do and together we’ll reach the light and turn the largest of deserts into the most beautiful oceans.
From BTS to ARMY: “Thank you for letting us hear the waves”. 
From ARMY to BTS: “Thank you for showing the sweat and struggles of your youth”.
And don’t forget:
“An End is a New Beginning”

Thank you for sticking with me through the Bring the Soul journey.


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